Wednesday, July 22, 2015


With all the media attention lately on gay marriage and gay rights, there's an aspect of the whole thing that nobody mentioned; peer pressure.  I have a brother whose former co-workers decided he was gay and were just cruel to him.  My brother isn't gay.  He's bi-polar. 
 It bothers me that people think its okay to speculate about someone's sexual orientation.  If a person doesn't fit their idea of normal they label him or her as gay, then try to convince the person that it's true- like they know better than you do what you should be doing with your own body.  If you try to defend yourself they say you're just afraid to come out of the closet.  If you don't want to have sex with anyone -man or woman- that somehow `proves' you're gay, too.  There's no way to win. 

It's got to affect a lot of high-school kids who are already trying to figure out who they are.  If you're getting bullied already, if everyone else decides you're gay, do you really have a choice, or has that just been stolen from you by rumors?  People tend to be what's expected of them, teens more than anyone, because they're still just learning that they do get to decide what kind of person they'll become; who they are isn't up for vote and sometimes the majority is just wrong.